The following fees will be required from each person wishing to play this season.
You must ensure you are registered with Basketball England and pay the membership fee for this yourself. Once you have done this, we can assign you to the club and team you will be playing for. Without this you will not be eligible to play.
Over 18 Male player £175 for the season (£25 per month starting 1st October finishing 1st April)
Over 18 Female player £140 for the season (£20 per month starting 1st October finishing 1st April)
Under 18 players for senior male or female teams £5 less per month (Under 18 on 1st October 2019 to qualify)
Under 16 players for the C Team £105 for the season(£15 per month starting 1st October finishing 1st April)
All junior players £3 per Saturday training session(Collected in cash on the day)
Junior players in Notts league £4 match fee (Collected in cash on the day)
Please either make a one-off payment for the full amount or setup a standing order for the monthly amount to be paid on the 1st of every month starting 1stOctober 2019 with the last payment on 1st April 2020
Melton Kings Basketball Club account number 01615416 sort code 40-32-14
Please ensure that the payment reference is your surname and team, for example;
Smith A (A team), Smith B (B Team) or Smith L(Ladies Team) etc…
Any questions please contact the treasurer direct;